March 18, 1998: I will never forget these words, " You have made me the happiest person in the world. And I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy! I Love You. Will you marry me?"
So there we were, young, in love and completely confused about how to make one another happy. What a path we had to travel. But the journey has been amazing, surreal, an experience I would do all over again to learn the lesson and live this life. When you learn to stop depending on another person to MAKE you happy, you find true unity. Then you discover what two shall become one actually means. Everything in my life has led me to this life we live. And live to the fullest, we do! We joke sometimes about Holy Cow, what if we had a baby in our 20's! Let me tell you we had a lot of growing up to do but even more so we had a lot of getting to know one another to do. The great thing is neither of us sees ourselves as a "Grown up" and we look forward every day to what else we need to learn...Looking forward to the next decade or two and what life has to teach us, together.
Fall 2004

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